Being Surprised.

So, for those of you who know us, you know that we have a four year-old whirlwind in our home named Roxy. She loves to be chased—but even more-so she loves to be the chaser. She seems to laugh harder when others have something happen to THEM—and she has something to do with it. Case in point: she likes being surprised (not scared) but LOVES surprising others. (I don’t think she cares as much about not scaring, by the way.) How do you feel about surprises?
I think there’s something deeply meaningful about being surprised. (Positively!) There’s something to be said about something that takes us off guard, forces us to take a step back and pay closer attention to something (or someone) we may have missed before. We are broken out of the monotony, the common, or even the boredom of where we were at and what we were doing. We are hardwired to LOVE being surprised—the right way, about the right things.
God surprised Moses on the lonely hill in the midst of his sheep. God surprised Samuel with the littlest brother as his pick as the next king of Israel. God then surprised a giant with that same little brother on the battlefield. God surprised Israel with a traveling preacher from Galilee to be the Messiah. Jesus “marveled”, “astonished”, or “amazed” people many times in the Gospels—depending on what translation of the Bible you look at, or what Gospel narrative you are reading for the word choice used.
To be able to be surprised by God, we have to be in a place to recognize that it is He who is at work in our lives. To be able to be surprised by God means that we have to be in a place where there is some sort of spiritual openness to allow something unexpected to happen. Nothing surprising happens without there being a sense of unexpected. This means that in our moments of where we feel like we have it all figured out, or that we know the “why” of what someone in front of us or next to us is doing, that we are set up perfectly to be surprised.
Those who are open to possibility, are comfortable with some uncertainty, and are infused with a healthy dose of curiosity find themselves being surprised by God in different ways. (Hopefully) We (and not “they”) are not surprised as often by God, Himself—because we EXPECT Him to show up, speak up, step up or lift up—but are instead surprised by HOW he shows up, speaks up, steps up or lifts up.
It is this mindset of walking humbly with God in a way that doesn’t assume we know it all or have it all figured out, and look expectantly for God in the little things, the big things and the in between things that is to guide us. It is this heartfelt, openhanded mindset that is to guide our prayers. A prayer life full of expectation and open to surprise is one that doesn’t go to God with an “if” but a “how”.
“I know you can, God, but HOW will you show up, speak up, step up or lift up?”
Can we open up ourselves to be surprised by God in a good way? In humility? In openhandedness and openheartedness? Because, if we can, we can help someone else be surprised by God. WE can be part of HOW God surprises someone else, instead of being in the way .
I like to help. I really do. I’m terrible at cooking, but I’m happy to find things, open things, cut things, hand things, or clean things up. I’m terrible at fixing, but I’m equally happy to find things, prep things, hand things or clean things up. Sometimes I need to make sure I’m not in the way. As much as I want to help, I need to get out of the way and let those who know more than I do, do more than I do.
Can we get out of God’s way to allow Him to surprise people? There are so many people who are spiritually open but unsure about when to give God credit or recognize what He looks like, sounds like, or smells like when He comes into the room.
When we are humble, when we are faithful, when we are hopeful, He is able to work WITH us to surprise people instead of having to work around us to surprise people.

Let’s be in a place to be part of the good surprise for someone today.


1 Comment

Cathy - September 5th, 2024 at 10:29am

amen, in every need and every calling we look forward to those surprises and what our God and Savior will do, may we His people walk His way, eyes on Jesus! For nothing is impossible with God.