Men of hope

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

“We want to be intentional men of character who look to be authentic, deeply connected to our Creator, and strongly connected to each other. We pray for each other, study God’s word together and serve together. We also like to eat good food and have fun. We have groups and seasonal Bible studies. We don’t want any man left behind.”


Seasonal Bible Studies

On Tuesday Evenings at 6:45 during the Fall, Winter and Spring, we offer open Bible Studies where we explore topical studies, and books of the Bible. We also sometimes offer Summer Book Clubs.

Men's Groups

We have groups that meet onsite at 6am Thursday mornings, 8am Friday mornings, and in a variety of places around Sonoma County.

Men Of hope 

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

To sign up for our next Bible Study or ask how to get more involved click here.

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