She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
Women of Hope’s Bible studies have a strong reputation in our community at large, with ladies coming from miles around to enjoy a unique, rich experience of studying and applying God’s word together. These studies vary by topic and content, and run seasonally in the Fall, Winter and Spring. We also have Women’s Connect Events to help ladies grow in personal connections and various groups to help our ladies find deeper community, and a safe place to develop and grow.
Women's Ministries
Bible Studies
Bible studies seasonally meet in the fall, winter and spring. Tuesdays at 9:30am & 6:30pm. (Zoom group and childcare available for the am session.)
Women Connect
Keep an eye out for our next event. These are opportunities to get to have some fun and build relationships with other ladies in your church family.
We join other ladies in our greater church family for a fall women’s retreat and also look for opportunities to gather together to grow for in person and online conferences.
Women in the Word
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Our next women's bible study starts on September 17th! Register NOW!
We will be doing Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland.
Missed a session? Catch up here!