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When you come on Sunday morning at either our 9:00 or 10:30 am service you’ll meet some friendly people that are being intentional about growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ. There is no better place to be connected. 

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am  
10:30 am

What To Expect

What can you expect? With how busy so many of us are anymore, it’s good to be somewhere we’re WANTED, and somewhere we want to be—we don’t take that lightly. At Hope, people are friendly and glad you’re here. There’s a desire to get to know you but not overwhelm you, to accept you, to want to get to know you and to include you. Our services are a little over an hour and we do start on time. We have pretty good coffee and a variety of treats after service—we plan on you lingering around a little longer together. (And we like it.)
What will you hear? Hope is a place known for some great music—you’ll hear 3-4 songs, some of which are original expressions of love for Jesus that includes the community, and many that are recognizable from what other churches sing together. We value looking to God’s Word and applying these valuable ancient words to our current lives in the 21 st century with wisdom, intentionality and a little bit of wit. We spend a little over an hour together. 
What will you see? Hope is a place full of all kinds of people—we’re multi-ethnic and
multigenerational because that’s what Heaven’s like. There’s a little bit of everything, because Hope is for everyone. Some wear shorts. Some wear dresses and pants. Some dress up a little (but not too much) and most come wearing a smile as their best feature.

What will you get? Hope is for YOU. We hope you get to feel part of something a little bigger than you that connects with you personally through the music, words and intentional moments of prayer. We hope you feel LOVED. We hope where you broken you begin to MEND. We hope where you need some help you get a little TRAINING. We hope where you need some courage to tackle a new challenge that you feel SENT. We come together to GIVE some focused time to GOD and each other, and to GET filled up so we can walk more and more in who we were made to be.

How To Contact Us

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